

聖杯四 Four of Cups




對於所有牌局給我的結果,不管有多壞,我個人的處理方法都一樣:先接受那個答案,慢慢看清楚那些牌要嘗試告訴您什麼。如果牌局有包括建議在内,只要在能力範圍裡的話,可以採納建議去做點什麼。然後是next question,收檔!



接下來容許我轉貼和注釋"The Tarot School: Tarot Tips"的一篇文章"Some Further Thoughts About Repeat Readings on the Same Question"。英文部份是原文,英文段落後的中文為我個人心得分享的部份(非全部直接翻譯)。


Recently a question came up about whether or not it was a good idea to do repeated readings in a short space of time on the same question or issue. This question is a great example of the variety of opinions about "correct" tarot protocol.


Many people believe that it is okay to do repeated readings on the same question, that it may even be a good thing to do so. Such repeated inquiries may take you deeper, allowing you to see new facets and new dimensions of the question or issue at hand. The Tarot images can act like a brainstorming session and you can get lots of creative and intuitive flashes. I think this point of view has considerable merit.


I am here today to play the Devil's advocate, so to speak, and propose an alternative view to this question. In a few words, once you lay the cards out in response to a question or issue, THAT IS IT. Take what you get and only that. These cards are your answer. If you don't like the answer or if you don't understand the answer, ALL THE BETTER. Sometimes the tension, confusion and dislike that we feel about certain spreads and cards help create a paradox and in that paradox comes a kind of creative resourcefulness. And in that space, new solutions and insights may come to you to help resolve the problem and provide the assistance that you seek. I sometimes call this "purposeful chaos" and it is what stimulates our ingenuity, inventiveness and creative imagination.


Coming up with our own solutions through this kind of process can be much more empowering than relying on the cards to tell us what may happen. So lay the cards out and I recommend that you keep these cards out, in plain sight. Look at them every day, let them speak to you. See what they have to say from one day to the next. Perhaps do some journaling about them. They appeared in your reading, you chose them for a reason.


Each card has many levels and layers of meanings. To keep asking the question, invalidates the power and message of the first cards you chose. We need to let the images that you have chosen infuse you with their message, their wisdom, their healing. Discounting these cards, going for more cards may only make for confusion and doubt about the first message received.


Now, there is a fine line here between repeating a question because you didn't like or understand the cards that came up verses a sincere desire for clarification. Pulling ONE other card strictly for clarification purposes can be acceptable, but the INTENT with which you do this is critical.


But even more importantly, when you do repeated readings on the same question, the message you are sending to Spirit, to your own unconscious mind and your intuitive, psychic mind is this: "I DON'T TRUST YOU." Repeating readings sends a message that invalidates your inner psychic voice. This can then set up a negative chain reaction in which you will begin to distrust other cards and other readings. If we want to approach our intuitive and spiritual pursuits with respect and reverence, then doing repeat readings might suggest an attitude of distrust, disbelief or uncertainty..


Okay, so what's the bottom line here? Do some experimentation with this question. There are NO right or wrong answers. Use your intuition when doing readings -- if a person comes to you and wants to ask the same question over, determine what is underneath that desire. Sometimes you may have to be firm and simply say, "You have received an answer, spend some time with the images you have received and with the message these images bring to you."



配圖為「聖杯4 (Four of Cups)」,常有欲求不滿的意味。

